January 2023
Spend some time preparing for the coming semester and also looking into the feature of tech.
‘A real teacher is someone who teaches what he/she does in real life’ said Robert Kiyosaki. My career is involves programming and teaching programming, but not just teaching programming(dry teaching). Programming is act solving real-world problems with code, and with my way of teaching I try to bring those real-world programming in class. Most of January i spent it on lesson planning .
Having to look into the feature of Web Development, constantly exploring the latest technologies. Artificial Intelligent has said to be one of the most talked-about and the most trending is Generative AI and OpenAI is in hart of it with their new Chart Bot called ChartGPT which was realized in December, 2022. ChatGPT has help me in my world-flow as developer and writing. I do not see it a treat as career i see it as way forward.