• Teach Yourself Programming

    This is open course helping people how to code in various technologies and programming languages

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Java
    • MYSQL
    • MongoDB
    • VSC
    • Deployment
  • Expense Tracker App

    This app put together your income and express

    • React
    • Redux
    • React-Router-Dom
    • ChartJS
    • JSON Server
  • Cash Power App

    A clone of NAWEC cash-power vending system

    • React
    • Redux
    • React-Router-Dom
  • Clone of Note App

    Simply note app to store your short notes. You can make them important or unimportant

    • React
    • Redux

Other Projects

Recent noteworthy projects

  • Tailwind Manage Landing Page

    This is my deep-dive into tailwindcss framework

    • HTML
    • Tailwindcss
  • Clone of Fullstack Open Anecdote Exercise

    The world of software engineering is filled with anecdotes that distill timeless truths from our field into short one-liners.

    • React
    • Redux
  • Full Stack open: Bloglist Front-end

    A blog list application, that allows users to save information about interesting blogs they have stumbled across on the internet

    • React
  • Full Stack open: Bloglist Back-end

    A blog list application, that allows users to save information about interesting blogs they have stumbled across on the internet

    • Node
    • Express
    • MongoDB